2013-04-04 13:07:42 UTC
Though his component parts may have died, and though, dead OR alive, they disproved his existence utterly, he yet lives on!
No no, hear me out. And Chucky, your outrage at Taimandretards is wholly to blame for this final plea to reason. Well, ok not “wholly” because one is largely to blame for one’s actions no matter what others do. So you are 10% to blame or whatever the currently accepted blame figure is. But still, you are as much to blame as you POSSIBLY can be, and that’s all that matters! Muahahahahah!
By the way I left out the spoiler space because I thought it fucked up my opening remarks, and also it’s hard enough to get people to read something on this topic without making them scroll down, eh?
So in the recent Taimandretard discussion, two things were posited, from opposing sides, which I really think are not true. I mean that in a factual sense but I’ll present my positions on them as opinions tentatively for politeness.
Both, by the way, are rendered incorrect by the same piece of evidence, which is why I felt this was enough of an “epiphany” to give this tired old subject one more reboot.
The two suppositions were thus:
1. From me, I just said in another thread that perhaps my sequential reading of the first 6 books or so without external input made the “Taimandred” feeling (or what have you) stronger in me than it normally would have been.
2. From Chucky, he suggested that—at BEST—RJ saw us Taimandretards latching on to his possibly-unintended similarities between Taim and Demandred, and in later books (obviously must be in later books) strengthened the similarities just for S’s and G’s. But I think Chucky takes a dim view of that possibility.
Well, I was just doing some more thinking (with Les Wynin) about this again today, and I realized that most of the evidence is from ONE book! Apologies if this has been discussed to death and countered before, but all you need to see massive connections between Taim and Demandred is ONE book, IIRC. Lord of Chaos, that would be, where Demandred (twice?) goes to see the Dark One. Right?
I’ll re-list the evidence from that book (and one bit of it connects to or is IN future books where the evidence can be said to be TIED to this book), but first let me state for the record that this is what disproves both 1 and 2 above. Because if Taimandred can be theorized strongly from just ONE book, it doesn’t matter that I wasn’t on this NG before book 6. Because book 6 did it all, and I wouldn’t have discussed book 6 on the NG until I finished it, as is the habit of those who hate spoilers.
Similarly Chucky’s point wouldn’t be valid anymore because RJ can’t have heard/read Taimandred theories in-the-middle of writing book 6 and decided to end it with some heavy-handed red herrings! We hadn’t run into Demandred before this point. Why would be theorizing him as Taim before book 6? We wouldn’t. Well except as one of many truly minor fancies.
Right so far?
Let’s reach another point of agreement: RJ is a fairly straightforward writer. Very little mystery in the WOT books. And I’m being generous there. I’d say he’s a REALLY fucking straightforward writer. “Who Killed Asmodean” was his greatest mystery and he totally fucked that one up/it doesn’t count because he didn’t even give the necessary clues to solve it. Well, “Where is Graendal Established” was another one but again he really gave no evidence, IIRC, so if that was a mystery he sucked at it.
Can we all agree on that critique of RJ’s style in WOT?
On account of Chucky’s recent post I want to address two things here before I really get started…I’d put them with the appropriate points below but that would affect the flow.
The objection that having Demandred replace Taim doesn’t work because Taim already existed before Demandred was free doesn’t really make a damn difference given channeling and Demandred’s talent and all that. Let’s not forget, Taim was somehow freed from Aes Sedai clutches by his “followers”, who are Not Featured in This Film otherwise. Maybe they had help? Maybe they had the help of Demandred who was going to take Taim’s place?
And Graendal having Sharan captives, sure that’s an interesting case that it was a gift from Demandred. I can’t recall all the statements made around that point, whether he made comment about that or not, or if it was just Sammael in that (those?) scenes…. But it doesn’t matter if that was a later book after Taimandred became distasteful to RJ. If that was the case, I mean. I know you say it is not.
Graendal acquired many slaves on her own, she could have acquired those on her own as well.
I will agree, however, that the role of Demandred in Shara was awesome and perfect for him, yes. It just makes the “have I not done well” moment really stupid since we didn’t see any of it.
So from recollection alone, let’s briefly review what RJ did to foster and then bolster the Taimandred theory *in book 6* and in possibly later events that stem directly from book 6.
Numbered list because making a topic like this isn’t dickish enough for me:
1. Demandred is introduced to us with a physical description similar to Taim, a Saldean (who hasn’t really been introduced to us either but he will be in this book)
2. Demandred takes on the task of letting the “Lord of Chaos rule” from the DO
3. Taim comes to the Black Tower and takes over as The Dragon Reborn’s second, just as Demandred was in the Age of Legends
4. Lews Therin rages about Demandred around Taim a bit
5. Assassination attempt(s?) on Rand, one of which is stopped by Taim to gain trust, but probably also initiated by Taim as are others future books
6. Renegade Ashaman are trained (by Taim as we later find out) and start shit and attack Rand (maybe later book but obviously set up starting here because Taim’s in charge now)
7. Bristling from Taim to Rand just as Demandred would do toward Lews Therin
8. Taim is very strong, close to Rand, just as Demandred would be
9. And then, and THEN, at the end of THIS very book, Demandred to DO: “Have I not done well?”
Now I ask you, does that not imply very fucking strongly that we’ve seen something that Demandred has done? What a stupid, stupid scene if nothing in that entire book was from Demandred. Right? RIGHT????
And what do we find he was supposedly (ok, canonically, actually…damnit) up to? Well, taking over Shara, training them, turning them via whatever means to serve the DO. And we saw fuck-all about Shara in book 6, or any other for that matter.
So. With all I have laid out here, you still think RJ didn’t intend Taim to be Demandred? Well, that’s your choice. But don’t pretend it was just him leading us on—he’s not that clever or mysterious, and it was nearly all in one book. At best it was a huge coincidence with terrible writing (per the paragraph after point 9 above) in an attempt to be cool. But, you know, I’d like to give him more credit than that.
I think it’s better if he got pissed off and changed his mind on this one after so many jumped on it. And maybe it wasn’t just the Taimandretards, but the others like Chucky who were saying “yeah he’s laying it on thick but nah”, so he said “well, I made that too easy so let me switch it”. Or whatever.
Just had to get all that out there in one post. I’m sure if a collective of all Taimandred posts were made, there’s nothing new here. But sometimes until an argument is all together, it doesn’t work for unbelievers.
P.S. I see that Chucky linked a great debunking thread I haven’t had the chance to read. I will read it. I wasn’t about to let all this go to waste, on the chance that it was all debunked in that thread.
P.P.S. The main objection to Taimandretards is that we insult TaimTaimtards who were right all along, because we have to address what they were thinking at the time. No, we do not insult them. You were thinking any number of things (too obvious, doesn’t work for me, not interesting), any of which is an acceptable reason for me to say: you were right in the end. It doesn’t say ANYTHING about your processes or legitimacy that ***I*** think he had this plan and changed it. YUO CAN’T KNOE!!!!!
Yes you totally won, congratulations, amazing, *totally-not-slow-clap*.
Wait did you figure out what Demandred WAS doing? Or did you just deny one theory and end up correct in your denial? Think about that. How many theories have each of us denied and been correct about that denial, in the course of this series?
Let’s have the non-competitive Chucky since I’m being so nice =D
No no, hear me out. And Chucky, your outrage at Taimandretards is wholly to blame for this final plea to reason. Well, ok not “wholly” because one is largely to blame for one’s actions no matter what others do. So you are 10% to blame or whatever the currently accepted blame figure is. But still, you are as much to blame as you POSSIBLY can be, and that’s all that matters! Muahahahahah!
By the way I left out the spoiler space because I thought it fucked up my opening remarks, and also it’s hard enough to get people to read something on this topic without making them scroll down, eh?
So in the recent Taimandretard discussion, two things were posited, from opposing sides, which I really think are not true. I mean that in a factual sense but I’ll present my positions on them as opinions tentatively for politeness.
Both, by the way, are rendered incorrect by the same piece of evidence, which is why I felt this was enough of an “epiphany” to give this tired old subject one more reboot.
The two suppositions were thus:
1. From me, I just said in another thread that perhaps my sequential reading of the first 6 books or so without external input made the “Taimandred” feeling (or what have you) stronger in me than it normally would have been.
2. From Chucky, he suggested that—at BEST—RJ saw us Taimandretards latching on to his possibly-unintended similarities between Taim and Demandred, and in later books (obviously must be in later books) strengthened the similarities just for S’s and G’s. But I think Chucky takes a dim view of that possibility.
Well, I was just doing some more thinking (with Les Wynin) about this again today, and I realized that most of the evidence is from ONE book! Apologies if this has been discussed to death and countered before, but all you need to see massive connections between Taim and Demandred is ONE book, IIRC. Lord of Chaos, that would be, where Demandred (twice?) goes to see the Dark One. Right?
I’ll re-list the evidence from that book (and one bit of it connects to or is IN future books where the evidence can be said to be TIED to this book), but first let me state for the record that this is what disproves both 1 and 2 above. Because if Taimandred can be theorized strongly from just ONE book, it doesn’t matter that I wasn’t on this NG before book 6. Because book 6 did it all, and I wouldn’t have discussed book 6 on the NG until I finished it, as is the habit of those who hate spoilers.
Similarly Chucky’s point wouldn’t be valid anymore because RJ can’t have heard/read Taimandred theories in-the-middle of writing book 6 and decided to end it with some heavy-handed red herrings! We hadn’t run into Demandred before this point. Why would be theorizing him as Taim before book 6? We wouldn’t. Well except as one of many truly minor fancies.
Right so far?
Let’s reach another point of agreement: RJ is a fairly straightforward writer. Very little mystery in the WOT books. And I’m being generous there. I’d say he’s a REALLY fucking straightforward writer. “Who Killed Asmodean” was his greatest mystery and he totally fucked that one up/it doesn’t count because he didn’t even give the necessary clues to solve it. Well, “Where is Graendal Established” was another one but again he really gave no evidence, IIRC, so if that was a mystery he sucked at it.
Can we all agree on that critique of RJ’s style in WOT?
On account of Chucky’s recent post I want to address two things here before I really get started…I’d put them with the appropriate points below but that would affect the flow.
The objection that having Demandred replace Taim doesn’t work because Taim already existed before Demandred was free doesn’t really make a damn difference given channeling and Demandred’s talent and all that. Let’s not forget, Taim was somehow freed from Aes Sedai clutches by his “followers”, who are Not Featured in This Film otherwise. Maybe they had help? Maybe they had the help of Demandred who was going to take Taim’s place?
And Graendal having Sharan captives, sure that’s an interesting case that it was a gift from Demandred. I can’t recall all the statements made around that point, whether he made comment about that or not, or if it was just Sammael in that (those?) scenes…. But it doesn’t matter if that was a later book after Taimandred became distasteful to RJ. If that was the case, I mean. I know you say it is not.
Graendal acquired many slaves on her own, she could have acquired those on her own as well.
I will agree, however, that the role of Demandred in Shara was awesome and perfect for him, yes. It just makes the “have I not done well” moment really stupid since we didn’t see any of it.
So from recollection alone, let’s briefly review what RJ did to foster and then bolster the Taimandred theory *in book 6* and in possibly later events that stem directly from book 6.
Numbered list because making a topic like this isn’t dickish enough for me:
1. Demandred is introduced to us with a physical description similar to Taim, a Saldean (who hasn’t really been introduced to us either but he will be in this book)
2. Demandred takes on the task of letting the “Lord of Chaos rule” from the DO
3. Taim comes to the Black Tower and takes over as The Dragon Reborn’s second, just as Demandred was in the Age of Legends
4. Lews Therin rages about Demandred around Taim a bit
5. Assassination attempt(s?) on Rand, one of which is stopped by Taim to gain trust, but probably also initiated by Taim as are others future books
6. Renegade Ashaman are trained (by Taim as we later find out) and start shit and attack Rand (maybe later book but obviously set up starting here because Taim’s in charge now)
7. Bristling from Taim to Rand just as Demandred would do toward Lews Therin
8. Taim is very strong, close to Rand, just as Demandred would be
9. And then, and THEN, at the end of THIS very book, Demandred to DO: “Have I not done well?”
Now I ask you, does that not imply very fucking strongly that we’ve seen something that Demandred has done? What a stupid, stupid scene if nothing in that entire book was from Demandred. Right? RIGHT????
And what do we find he was supposedly (ok, canonically, actually…damnit) up to? Well, taking over Shara, training them, turning them via whatever means to serve the DO. And we saw fuck-all about Shara in book 6, or any other for that matter.
So. With all I have laid out here, you still think RJ didn’t intend Taim to be Demandred? Well, that’s your choice. But don’t pretend it was just him leading us on—he’s not that clever or mysterious, and it was nearly all in one book. At best it was a huge coincidence with terrible writing (per the paragraph after point 9 above) in an attempt to be cool. But, you know, I’d like to give him more credit than that.
I think it’s better if he got pissed off and changed his mind on this one after so many jumped on it. And maybe it wasn’t just the Taimandretards, but the others like Chucky who were saying “yeah he’s laying it on thick but nah”, so he said “well, I made that too easy so let me switch it”. Or whatever.
Just had to get all that out there in one post. I’m sure if a collective of all Taimandred posts were made, there’s nothing new here. But sometimes until an argument is all together, it doesn’t work for unbelievers.
P.S. I see that Chucky linked a great debunking thread I haven’t had the chance to read. I will read it. I wasn’t about to let all this go to waste, on the chance that it was all debunked in that thread.
P.P.S. The main objection to Taimandretards is that we insult TaimTaimtards who were right all along, because we have to address what they were thinking at the time. No, we do not insult them. You were thinking any number of things (too obvious, doesn’t work for me, not interesting), any of which is an acceptable reason for me to say: you were right in the end. It doesn’t say ANYTHING about your processes or legitimacy that ***I*** think he had this plan and changed it. YUO CAN’T KNOE!!!!!
Yes you totally won, congratulations, amazing, *totally-not-slow-clap*.
Wait did you figure out what Demandred WAS doing? Or did you just deny one theory and end up correct in your denial? Think about that. How many theories have each of us denied and been correct about that denial, in the course of this series?
Let’s have the non-competitive Chucky since I’m being so nice =D