Post by AaronI don't know if, at this point, there is anything in here worth
responding to, but I'm still pissed
You sure are.
Post by AaronPost by Lord Fiddleshits CuntbottomMy request? You said there were scenes where cuendillar was described
as being heavier than iron. Since it was only (re)discovered that
cuendillar could be made from iron in the last few books, it seems odd
that they would be compared anywhere else. I would have thought, if
Jordan was going to remark on its heaviness, he would have done so in
reference to lead. I don't recall him ever making any reference to the
weight of cuendillar objects though.
If you can't find anyone saying that cuendillar is very heavy, I am
perfectly willing to believe it was never said. Because I certainly
can't remember anything about cuendillar being heavier than iron.
Well, since you think it can only be made from iron, your memory is
very suspect, I'd say. As I mentioned earlier.
Yes I do think that. So prove me wrong and I'll take it all back...
...and default to my original point. Make the cannons out of
cuendillar. Your objection based on the weight was wrong even if
cuendillar *is* heavier, because it can be made out of other
So the best you can hope for here is that all your crazy memories of
this story were right, and your original overall point was wrong. But
I'll still give you a hug because I feel sorry for a poor suffering
Post by AaronPost by Lord Fiddleshits CuntbottomNot that, I repeat, it really matters for the sake of the cuendillar
cannon conversion debate.
Course it does.
No it doesn't. Because the cannons could still be moved, they'd be far
less prone to instablity and detonation, and if they can indeed be
made out of other stuff, even the weight is no longer an issue. So no,
it doesn't matter.
Post by AaronUnless we just want to agree that Elayne is a twit and
you are a genius, worthy of the Steal. That's alright then.
What does that even mean? Boy, you *are* shirty.
Post by AaronPost by Lord Fiddleshits CuntbottomThere's where we started. And I say again, as I said originally, the
weight and mobility of the cannon hardly matters, when you're going to
be transporting them by gateway, and possibly carrying them with the
One Power otherwise. But my repeated claims that this is irrelevant
seem to be going unheeded for the purposes of this side-debate.
That's not how the transport was proposed. So, doom on you. Doom on
Um. They're moving their armies around by gateway. Why in the name of
all that is round-cheeked and sexually active would they move their
army somewhere by gateway, then send the heaviest, bulkiest part of
their fighting force overland?
And if they're just keeping the cannons stationary in the city of
their origin, your mobility issue is once again shot out of the water.
Where it shouldn't have been anyway, full of holes as it is.
Post by AaronPost by Lord Fiddleshits Cuntbottom- It is invincible.
- It gets stronger the more destructive force is focussed on it.
- It can be created by placing a weave on iron.
- Interlinked pieces of iron tend to fuse into a single piece of
cuendillar rather than making interlinked pieces of cuendillar.
1. Focused has 1 "s"
2. Harbor has no "u".
3. I guess that's all.
You're very uncivilised.
Post by AaronPost by Lord Fiddleshits CuntbottomAnything else is supposition, unless you can find a quote mentioning
anything about its weight and density.
So do you see no value in anything discussed outside the books?
San ... *Aaron* ... we are talking about a plot point here. I ask why
Elayne didn't suggest making the cannons out of cuendillar. One of
your ideas was that it would be too heavy to be of any use.
In order for this discussion to have any real relevance, yes. It has
to come from inside the books. Otherwise I could just add a bit in the
Steal about how cuendillar is weightless, and we could agree that
they'd be useless as cannons because the recoil would send them flying
back into the friendly army's faces. That's discussion outside the
And it's got no value.
Post by AaronJust curious. Because, I know RJ thought of EVERYTHING and all that, but
come on, some of us (maybe even you) have functioning brains.
There's no need to sulk.
If there's nothing in the books about how heavy cuendillar is, I see
absolutely no reason to believe it is heavier than iron or otherwise
heavier than its originator substance. I didn't believe it before you
asserted it, and I don't really believe it now although I am certainly
more curious than I was.
So by all means, let us check it out.
If cuendillar can be made from other substances, but always becomes
heavier during conversion, fine. I retract my smarms about your crazy-
arse memory (but stand by my ridicule of your attempts to convince me
without actual proof ... and the less said about you trying to get
*me* to find the proof, the better). In which case, I was right in my
original overall point and you, attempting to argue that the weight
would make them too cumbersome, were wrong.
At which point, I will resume smarming.
If cuendillar can only be made from iron at this point, and is not
mentioned as becoming heavier on conversion, then you were wrong about
your recollections but were at least right about the cannons becoming
too cumbersome, although I would argue (outside Jordan's scope,
because I agree he didn't think of everything and that's why we can
still discuss) that it wouldn't make them useless given the way
they're being used. Their invincibility far outweighs the extra
weight. If you'll pardon the expression.
At which point, I will resume smarming.
Post by AaronPost by Lord Fiddleshits CuntbottomPost by Aaron2. How dense? What is YOUR justification for your current thoughts?
I don't know how dense. I am not making any case for its density
whatsoever. I'm just saying that its weight is not an acceptable
counter-argument to its being used as a material to make cannons. And
lack of cited precedent regarding the weight of cuendillar is among my
reasons for saying so. Its utter irrelevance is another.
Damn it, I wish I'd brought the right book today.
As I keep saying, even if cuendillar *does* become heavier it wouldn't
matter for the cannons.
Post by AaronBack to my point above: is there no value in fan discussions? Then,
what value your speculations about the cannons?
I want to know why Elayne didn't turn the cannons into cuendillar.
That would have been awesome, and clever. And I think she's a dork for
not doing it.
Therein lies the value, for me.
If the next book comes out and Sanderson says "Elayne had briefly
discussed the idea of making the cannons from cuendillar, but Aludra
concluded it was too difficult to get them the right shape and Egwene
said it was impossible because the cuendillium matrix would go
thermonuclear", then I will be satisfied and my criticisms will have
no value. Because no amount of fan speculation outweighs a single line
in the actual book.
I am questing for a "canon" pun here, but it's not coming to me.
Post by AaronPost by Lord Fiddleshits CuntbottomAlso, what manner of discussion was this? As far as I know there is
only one way to make cuendillar so far rediscovered: by converting it
from iron. Where did this "heavier than anything you make it from,
including metals" thing come from? Do we see, anywhere in the books,
cuendillar being made from any substance other than iron?
Yes. You read poorly, it seems.
Spare the insults until you have citations.
Not because I think you're wrong, but there is always a chance you
will look a real tit if nothing shows up. You know, like I will look
if something *does* show up.
I mean, I'll still be right overall, but that's scant comfort when I
look a tit.
Post by AaronPost by Lord Fiddleshits CuntbottomIf it's possible, maybe Elayne can carve some cannons out of balsa
wood and then make them into cuendillar. Heavier than balsa wood is
probably still lighter than iron, right? So that would seem to solve
all the problems with the cuendillar cannon - the weight, the
dificulty in making them precisely enough, the expense of iron and
forging and casting ... everything.
You're right. It *is* easier when you just make up elements of the
Or try to fill in missing pieces. How about that?
Okay. Fill in missing pieces with made-up stuff. If you can do it,
theoretically, so can I. Just saying.
But we're not talking about filling in missing pieces. These are
elements that you say are *in the story*. And as long as they are,
then we have no problem.
Post by AaronPost by Lord Fiddleshits CuntbottomPost by AaronHowever, most of this belief, I now see, is from reading comments from
fans over the years. There is the harbor chain bit, which I expect you
will discovered (Knife of Dreams). If you are lazy I might do so
Please do. Like I said, I see no reward in searching a book for
something you think exists but which I do not, only to be accused of
laziness or dishonesty when I turn up nothing.
Lazy, dishonest shite that you are.
Seriously. I'm glad you're not trying to deny that this is how it
would play out.
Post by AaronPost by Lord Fiddleshits CuntbottomYou could probably make various pieces of armour separately, and turn
them, and then put them on piece by piece. They wouldn't interlock
like proper plate, but they'd be invincible and yes, I think they
Geez, was I swearing the whole proof was in the books?
Yes. That's the source of this argument.
Post by AaronThough I
thought it was, I did expect that other rational discourse might serve
as some proof. No?
I see no rational discourse. "Almost all the other online debates I
have seen about this agree that cuendillar is totally heavy" is not
rational discourse, even if you cited anything there, which you
You haven't actually given any evidence at all. You've just said "it's
real, look it up, lots of people think so, look that up, if it's not
in the books then what random palookas from Butt-Fuck Idaho think
counts as proof, look those up".
Sorry, I don't value that as much as I should. Probably because I have
spent so many years bullshitting on this forum and I don't consider my
bullshit to outweigh canon - or even to really fill the gaps in canon.
Although if that's the argument we're going with, I can get behind it.
It'll guarantee a win for the 10-99 crowd at last.