Post by DarrylWasn't sure you'd remember me
Absolutely. I have fond recollections of you and Shelob and Janica and myself having excellent debates about the nature of facts and reality.
Post by DarrylPost by ***@WorkYeah, not sure how to sum it up without it sounding like a Billy Joel "We
Didn't Start the Fire" ripoff.
Now there's an old reference. Dah da da dah da daah daahh!
Well, uncool. Credentials established!
Post by DarrylPost by ***@WorkStill in Finland, still writing instruction manuals by day, had a kid in 2010, had cancer in 2011, had another kid in 2014, wrote thirteen novels and a children's book and sold 'em on Amazon, which brings us full-circle and Wheel of Time the TV show coming soon to Amazon.
Congratulations! That's amazeballs - I mean the writing and publishing part.
If you ever feel the need to get some cheap[1] and good-quality[2] science-fiction and fantasy up you, and help a brother out with his attempts to go legit, hit me up here:
(I'm on as well, but the link is weird:
Purchases are good. Purchases and reviews are better. And now I feel dirty.
Post by DarrylThe cancer part doesn't sound so positive. Really glad you managed to get
through it. You are looking well. I see you are still married to Jani[c]a, so
congrats on that too.
Always said she was a keeper.
And my first book was actually about my butt cancer, so that was fun.
Now I feel even dirtier!
Post by DarrylWhen I was on afr-j, I was studying and saving up to travel for the first
time. Since then I've mostly been busy traveling and living all over and
trying various careers.
Nice! Travel is good. Careers are also good, they help with the travel. Probably good to get the travel out of your system before humanity's ability to fly craps out on us.
Post by DarrylMarried a yank, lived there for awhile. And now back in Oz in, what I believe
is, your old back yard in Perth. Random.
It is indeed. On both counts.
Post by DarrylI've been trying to remember how I accessed usenet all those years ago. Any
tips on apps that work best? I'm hoping there'll be a need when wot does get
Agreed, but for now I'm afraid I have no advice. I'm using Google Groups and it seems to be effective enough for handling the tiny volume of messages we're getting. It might continue to be fine for larger volumes. Lord knows some people used it back in the olden days.
Last time I went looking for Forte (Free) Agent, I was disappointed.
Post by DarrylI guess it's time to put away old synonyms.
Darryl Tynen
(Marek Mercury)
I'm still a pedantic fuck.
[1] Well, cheap in electronic form anyway. Paperbacks-and-postage is more expensive.
[2] Hey, I and literally tens of reviewers can't be wrong.