Post by Chucky @ WorkPost by InfinityOkay, I've found up to Book 9 part 1. Are there any more? And if not, why not?
I think that was as far as I got. Complete loss of readership,
impetus, interest and my colon and rectum impeded my progress.
Well, if you're gonna throw in the towel at the first hurdle, I guess...
Shame though. When I left AFRJ last time, we were up to the bit where Hoarni kept dropping Heroes of the Horn out of the goddamn sky and killing them. Or perhaps the bit where Vamps kept eating his own boil pus. (Ew, by the way. Thanks for that enduring image.)
I've saved all the extant Steals to my desktop for when I'm done with the real books.
Seems that, what with the author dead and all, this group has quietened down somewhat. That, and it's full of goddamn aMoL spoilers.