Can Siuan be fully healed?
(too old to reply)
Galad Damodred
2010-10-04 20:08:40 UTC
Noting that I am only 1/2 way through book 10, I was wondering if
Siuan could be fully healed from her stilling.

She was partially healed by Nynaeve but they later found out that men
can fully heal women and women can fully heal men.
David DeLaney
2010-10-05 15:34:46 UTC
Post by Galad Damodred
Noting that I am only 1/2 way through book 10, I was wondering if
Siuan could be fully healed from her stilling.
She was partially healed by Nynaeve but they later found out that men
can fully heal women and women can fully heal men.
We are Not Sure. If I recall right, we've been told outside the books that
re-stilling her and re-healing her, by a woman again, would only get her to
the same strength she is now. No answer's been given yet that I know of on
what would happen if she were re-stilled, then healed by a man.

Dave "theorising abounds, of course" DeLaney
\/David DeLaney posting from ***@vic.com "It's not the pot that grows the flower
It's not the clock that slows the hour The definition's plain for anyone to see
Love is all it takes to make a family" - R&P. VISUALIZE HAPPYNET VRbeable<BLINK>
http://www.vic.com/~dbd/ - net.legends FAQ & Magic / I WUV you in all CAPS! --K.
Chucky & Janica
2010-10-09 10:49:24 UTC
Post by David DeLaney
Post by Galad Damodred
Noting that I am only 1/2 way through book 10, I was wondering if
Siuan could be fully healed from her stilling.
She was partially healed by Nynaeve but they later found out that men
can fully heal women and women can fully heal men.
We are Not Sure. If I recall right, we've been told outside the books that
re-stilling her and re-healing her, by a woman again, would only get her to
the same strength she is now.
I don't know that we've been told that, and even if we had it wouldn't
matter since the one who "told" us is dead now. But that seems to be
the prevailing theory.

A woman Healing a gentled man restores him to full strength.
Presumably (have we seen this already?) a man Healing a stilled woman
restores her to full strength. A woman Healing a woman restores her to
a tiny percentage of her original power.

Now, either Siuan and Leane are stuck at that level (stilling and
re-Healing by a man, if they would ever allow it in the first place
and let's face it, these characters are dumb so they would probably
refuse, may just restore their strength as of their first Healing,
rather than their original strength as suggested), or the Healing has
worked like ... I don't know, a limb transplant or something. They've
got the limb back, but it's in never-used condition and they have to
learn how to do everything all over again. In short, they were Healed
back to their first spark when they were kids, and the rest of the
power will return in time as they learn, as before.

I don't know. Maybe opposite-sexual-Healing (to coin a phrase)
restores the lost limb perfectly as if it was never lost, while
homosexual-Healing acts as the metaphorical transplant, restoring the
mixed-metaphorical factory settings.

Maybe Jordan was being a homophobe. Suggesting that same-sex unions
are inferior to heterosexual ones. It makes sense, since there are no
gay men in his stories and only a titillating smattering of
pillow-friends to represent the fairer homosex.
Post by David DeLaney
No answer's been given yet that I know of on
what would happen if she were re-stilled, then healed by a man.
My prediction is, she would go "oh Light, I've been stilled! *angst
angst angst*," and then refuse to let a man channel near her, because
Male Channelers Are Still Evil For Some Reason.

But that's just because I haven't become fully accustomed to the
Sanderson way of doing things yet.


The Sanderson way, of course, would be to accidentally kill her during
the re-stilling process, and *move the fuck on*. So I can't argue with
David DeLaney
2010-10-10 03:13:14 UTC
Post by Chucky & Janica
A woman Healing a gentled man restores him to full strength.
Presumably (have we seen this already?) a man Healing a stilled woman
restores her to full strength. A woman Healing a woman restores her to
a tiny percentage of her original power.
We've heard that some stilled women got healed by Asha'man, over at the Black
Tower; I don't think we've seen, in-book, how their regained strength compares
to their original strengths - they haven't had a chance to BE on-camera,
really, since Rand hasn't VISITED the Black Tower for how many books now?
I think all we've actually seen are Siuan, and whoever else Nynaeve healed
back then?
Post by Chucky & Janica
They've got the limb back, but it's in never-used condition and they have to
learn how to do everything all over again. In short, they were Healed
back to their first spark when they were kids, and the rest of the
power will return in time as they learn, as before.
Though if this were the case, we'd've seen Siuan's power level growing again,
and we haven't. (And she HAS been on-screen on and off since then.)
Post by Chucky & Janica
But that's just because I haven't become fully accustomed to the
Sanderson way of doing things yet.
Well, you've only got two more books, and there's a test at the end!

\/David DeLaney posting from ***@vic.com "It's not the pot that grows the flower
It's not the clock that slows the hour The definition's plain for anyone to see
Love is all it takes to make a family" - R&P. VISUALIZE HAPPYNET VRbeable<BLINK>
http://www.vic.com/~dbd/ - net.legends FAQ & Magic / I WUV you in all CAPS! --K.
Lord Fiddleshits Cuntbottom
2010-10-13 09:28:35 UTC
Post by David DeLaney
Post by Chucky & Janica
A woman Healing a gentled man restores him to full strength.
Presumably (have we seen this already?) a man Healing a stilled woman
restores her to full strength. A woman Healing a woman restores her to
a tiny percentage of her original power.
We've heard that some stilled women got healed by Asha'man, over at the
Black Tower; I don't think we've seen, in-book, how their regained strength
compares to their original strengths - they haven't had a chance to BE on-
camera, really, since Rand hasn't VISITED the Black Tower for how many
books now?
I think all we've actually seen are Siuan, and whoever else Nynaeve healed
back then?
Yep. Logain was Healed by Nynaeve, and his strength returned in full.
I guess that's where the assumption comes from.

Another interesting point was that men and women develop in the One
Power in different ways, women gradually and steadily over time and
men in - heh - spurts. I guess I was thinking of that when I looked at
the Healing factor. Maybe Logain spurted right up to full power again,
and Siuan is growing gradually.
Post by David DeLaney
Though if this were the case, we'd've seen Siuan's power level growing again,
and we haven't. (And she HAS been on-screen on and off since then.)
Well to be fair, it's only been a matter of weeks or months, at most,
hasn't it? For full development of the One Power, we're looking at
years, if not decades.

I hope there is a test at the end of the series, and it works out
better than that stupid online Wheel of Time trivia contest they held
for Americans back in the early Noughties.
Galad Damodred
2010-10-13 21:14:33 UTC
Post by Lord Fiddleshits Cuntbottom
Well to be fair, it's only been a matter of weeks or months, at most,
hasn't it? For full development of the One Power, we're looking at
years, if not decades.
Interesting though but IIRC a man's potential is never fully known
while a woman's potential is. That is why throughout the series you
always know who the most powerful woman is (potentially) but you don't
know exactly how strong the guys will become.
Lord Fiddleshits Cuntbottom
2010-10-14 11:35:12 UTC
Post by Galad Damodred
Post by Lord Fiddleshits Cuntbottom
Well to be fair, it's only been a matter of weeks or months, at most,
hasn't it? For full development of the One Power, we're looking at
years, if not decades.
Interesting though but IIRC a man's potential is never fully known
while a woman's potential is.
Not sure whether this is correct, or what it has to do with a woman
recovering from Healing (hypothetically) in a slow progression while a
man leaps immediately to (hypothetically) his full power.
Post by Galad Damodred
That is why throughout the series you
always know who the most powerful woman is (potentially) but you don't
know exactly how strong the guys will become.
I thought it did eventually level out, and Ishamael and Rand/Lews were
the most powerful.

Otherwise it would have been futile to say that Lanfear was almost as
powerful as some male channelers, when the reality (by this standard)
was that she never could be, because the male channeler would
inevitably get more powerful.

Also, it would mean that the Forsaken, alive for thousands of years
(or scores / hundreds if we don't count the time in the Bore, were
massively more powerful than recently-born channelers like Rand, Taim,
Logain, etc. And this is just not the case.

Certainly Aginor and Balthamel, left partially sealed in the Bore so
they continued to age, would have been like Superman. But they were in
fact giant gimp-mask-wearing lamewads.
Lord Fiddleshits Cuntbottom
2010-10-15 09:03:50 UTC
On 14 loka, 14:35, Lord Fiddleshits Cuntbottom <***@gmail.com>

Just realised I left a parenthesis open up there, so maybe I'd better
close it before it starts letting flies in.)

Slow news week.
2010-11-25 12:18:39 UTC
Post by Chucky & Janica
Post by David DeLaney
Post by Galad Damodred
Noting that I am only 1/2 way through book 10, I was wondering if
Siuan could be fully healed from her stilling.
She was partially healed by Nynaeve but they later found out that men
can fully heal women and women can fully heal men.
We are Not Sure. If I recall right, we've been told outside the books that
re-stilling her and re-healing her, by a woman again, would only get her to
the same strength she is now.
I don't know that we've been told that, and even if we had it wouldn't
matter since the one who "told" us is dead now. But that seems to be
the prevailing theory.
A woman Healing a gentled man restores him to full strength.
Presumably (have we seen this already?) a man Healing a stilled woman
restores her to full strength. A woman Healing a woman restores her to
a tiny percentage of her original power.
Tis all about duality as usual, a reason for women to actually NEED a
man. I reckon there must be a Saidin cock inside every woman that
allows them to channel. Vice versa for men.

Analogy fail.

Chucky & Janica
2010-12-06 09:39:38 UTC
On Thu, 25 Nov 2010 04:18:39 -0800 (PST), Brinner
Post by Brinner
Post by Chucky & Janica
Post by David DeLaney
We are Not Sure. If I recall right, we've been told outside the books that
re-stilling her and re-healing her, by a woman again, would only get her to
the same strength she is now.
I don't know that we've been told that, and even if we had it wouldn't
matter since the one who "told" us is dead now. But that seems to be
the prevailing theory.
A woman Healing a gentled man restores him to full strength.
Presumably (have we seen this already?) a man Healing a stilled woman
restores her to full strength. A woman Healing a woman restores her to
a tiny percentage of her original power.
Tis all about duality as usual, a reason for women to actually NEED a
man. I reckon there must be a Saidin cock inside every woman that
allows them to channel. Vice versa for men.
Analogy fail.
Don't feel bad. Back in the day that would have offended somebody, and
it would have been a win all over again.

2011-01-19 21:17:31 UTC
"Chucky & Janica" wrote in message news:***@4ax.com...

On Thu, 25 Nov 2010 04:18:39 -0800 (PST), Brinner
Post by Brinner
Post by Chucky & Janica
Post by David DeLaney
We are Not Sure. If I recall right, we've been told outside the books that
re-stilling her and re-healing her, by a woman again, would only get her to
the same strength she is now.
I don't know that we've been told that, and even if we had it wouldn't
matter since the one who "told" us is dead now. But that seems to be
the prevailing theory.
A woman Healing a gentled man restores him to full strength.
Presumably (have we seen this already?) a man Healing a stilled woman
restores her to full strength. A woman Healing a woman restores her to
a tiny percentage of her original power.
Tis all about duality as usual, a reason for women to actually NEED a
man. I reckon there must be a Saidin cock inside every woman that
allows them to channel. Vice versa for men.
Analogy fail.
Don't feel bad. Back in the day that would have offended somebody, and
it would have been a win all over again.

Does any body online get offended anymore? It's a good point, actually...I
mean, 10 years ago, the internet and all the dodgy stuff that it opened up
was new...nowadays, it's pretty normal

I reckon the economic crisis was caused by all the trolls finding themselves
out of work!
Lord Fiddleshits Cuntbottom
2011-01-20 14:27:17 UTC
Does any body online get offended anymore?  
Nobody can. Web boards are so pussified, you get banned if you upset
anyone so all the messages are strictly self-controlled.

This is why usenet still rules.
2011-01-21 19:25:24 UTC
Post by Contro
Does any body online get offended anymore?
Nobody can. Web boards are so pussified, you get banned if you upset
anyone so all the messages are strictly self-controlled.
Post by Contro
This is why usenet still rules.
Ahh, I see. I've never really posted to those other web boards much. I did
a couple of times for something, but only for a couple of posts. Didn't
Debs try to set one up for here? I remember saying that it was a bit silly
having a newsgroup based on a newsgroup!
Chucky & Janica
2011-01-22 14:28:17 UTC
Post by Contro
Ahh, I see. I've never really posted to those other web boards much. I did
a couple of times for something, but only for a couple of posts. Didn't
Debs try to set one up for here? I remember saying that it was a bit silly
having a newsgroup based on a newsgroup!
There was the cuntfish gallery and something else, a board of some
sort attached to the website or something, where people could get
different identities based on the posts they made. Satters sent a
whole heap of posts with nothing in them to try to get to
master-monkey or something, and then there was some unpleasantness
with Mister C using his admin rights to break into Satters's posts and
make them say "I am a sheep fucker" and stuff.

All in all, very silly and pointless.

Years before that, of course, Grizzlor came to the newsgroup and tried
to get us all to admit that moderated web discussion boards were the
wave of the future. This was back when we were dialling in on timed
local calls with a 56K modem, though, so we told him to fucking fuck
the fuck off.

Good times.

2011-03-28 00:01:20 UTC
Post by Contro
Ahh, I see. I've never really posted to those other web boards much. I did
a couple of times for something, but only for a couple of posts. Didn't
Debs try to set one up for here? I remember saying that it was a bit silly
having a newsgroup based on a newsgroup!
There was the cuntfish gallery and something else, a board of some
Post by Contro
sort attached to the website or something, where people could get
different identities based on the posts they made. Satters sent a
whole heap of posts with nothing in them to try to get to
master-monkey or something, and then there was some unpleasantness
with Mister C using his admin rights to break into Satters's posts and
make them say "I am a sheep fucker" and stuff.
Post by Contro
All in all, very silly and pointless.
LOL well sounds like quite funny really, but yes, probably not really any
point. But at least an effort was made.
Post by Contro
Years before that, of course, Grizzlor came to the newsgroup and tried
to get us all to admit that moderated web discussion boards were the
wave of the future. This was back when we were dialling in on timed
local calls with a 56K modem, though, so we told him to fucking fuck
the fuck off.
Post by Contro
Good times.
Other than the pay per minute nonsense! That 8+ page phone bill I ran up
was quite extreme! And that was just the first time!

2011-08-20 23:00:29 UTC
Post by Chucky & Janica
Post by Contro
Ahh, I see. I've never really posted to those other web boards much. I did
a couple of times for something, but only for a couple of posts. Didn't
Debs try to set one up for here? I remember saying that it was a bit silly
having a newsgroup based on a newsgroup!
There was the cuntfish gallery and something else, a board of some
sort attached to the website or something, where people could get
different identities based on the posts they made. Satters sent a
whole heap of posts with nothing in them to try to get to
master-monkey or something, and then there was some unpleasantness
with Mister C using his admin rights to break into Satters's posts and
make them say "I am a sheep fucker" and stuff.
All in all, very silly and pointless.
LOL but funny to think back on!
Post by Chucky & Janica
Years before that, of course, Grizzlor came to the newsgroup and tried
to get us all to admit that moderated web discussion boards were the
wave of the future. This was back when we were dialling in on timed
local calls with a 56K modem, though, so we told him to fucking fuck
the fuck off.
Good times.
I still remember Bruce being determined that the internet should still
cater for people who are on 56K modems...he'd still be enforcing that
now, I'm sure
Post by Chucky & Janica
Chucky & Janica
2011-08-24 09:07:41 UTC
Post by Contro
Post by Chucky & Janica
Years before that, of course, Grizzlor came to the newsgroup and tried
to get us all to admit that moderated web discussion boards were the
wave of the future. This was back when we were dialling in on timed
local calls with a 56K modem, though, so we told him to fucking fuck
the fuck off.
Good times.
I still remember Bruce being determined that the internet should still
cater for people who are on 56K modems...he'd still be enforcing that
now, I'm sure
Probably why we haven't heard from him in a while. He's waiting for
Facebook's login page to load.

2011-09-01 11:11:39 UTC
Post by Chucky & Janica
Post by Contro
Post by Chucky & Janica
Years before that, of course, Grizzlor came to the newsgroup and tried
to get us all to admit that moderated web discussion boards were the
wave of the future. This was back when we were dialling in on timed
local calls with a 56K modem, though, so we told him to fucking fuck
the fuck off.
Good times.
I still remember Bruce being determined that the internet should still
cater for people who are on 56K modems...he'd still be enforcing that
now, I'm sure
Probably why we haven't heard from him in a while. He's waiting for
Facebook's login page to load.
LOL yes!
2011-01-20 17:30:54 UTC
Post by Chucky & Janica
On Thu, 25 Nov 2010 04:18:39 -0800 (PST), Brinner
Post by Brinner
Post by Chucky & Janica
Post by David DeLaney
We are Not Sure. If I recall right, we've been told outside the books that
re-stilling her and re-healing her, by a woman again, would only get her to
the same strength she is now.
I don't know that we've been told that, and even if we had it wouldn't
matter since the one who "told" us is dead now. But that seems to be
the prevailing theory.
A woman Healing a gentled man restores him to full strength.
Presumably (have we seen this already?) a man Healing a stilled woman
restores her to full strength. A woman Healing a woman restores her to
a tiny percentage of her original power.
Tis all about duality as usual, a reason for women to actually NEED a
man. I reckon there must be a Saidin cock inside every woman that
allows them to channel. Vice versa for men.
Analogy fail.
Don't feel bad. Back in the day that would have offended somebody, and
it would have been a win all over again.
Does any body online get offended anymore?  It's a good point, actually...I
mean, 10 years ago, the internet and all the dodgy stuff that it opened up
was new...nowadays, it's pretty normal
I reckon the economic crisis was caused by all the trolls finding themselves
out of work!
Geez, Contro, I get offended at almost everything. Nice of you to
notice. I'm offended that you ignore me all the time.

2011-01-21 19:27:15 UTC
Post by Contro
"Chucky & Janica" wrote in
On Thu, 25 Nov 2010 04:18:39 -0800 (PST), Brinner
Post by Brinner
Post by Chucky & Janica
Post by David DeLaney
We are Not Sure. If I recall right, we've been told outside the books that
re-stilling her and re-healing her, by a woman again, would only get
the same strength she is now.
I don't know that we've been told that, and even if we had it wouldn't
matter since the one who "told" us is dead now. But that seems to be
the prevailing theory.
A woman Healing a gentled man restores him to full strength.
Presumably (have we seen this already?) a man Healing a stilled woman
restores her to full strength. A woman Healing a woman restores her to
a tiny percentage of her original power.
Tis all about duality as usual, a reason for women to actually NEED a
man. I reckon there must be a Saidin cock inside every woman that
allows them to channel. Vice versa for men.
Analogy fail.
Don't feel bad. Back in the day that would have offended somebody, and
it would have been a win all over again.
Does any body online get offended anymore? It's a good point,
mean, 10 years ago, the internet and all the dodgy stuff that it opened up
was new...nowadays, it's pretty normal
I reckon the economic crisis was caused by all the trolls finding themselves
out of work!
Geez, Contro, I get offended at almost everything. Nice of you to
notice. I'm offended that you ignore me all the time.
Hey, I don't know what's going on at the moment due to getting my newsgroup
thing set up...you're lucky if I can ignore you!
Chucky & Janica
2011-01-22 14:28:53 UTC
Post by Contro
Post by Aaron
Geez, Contro, I get offended at almost everything. Nice of you to
notice. I'm offended that you ignore me all the time.
Hey, I don't know what's going on at the moment due to getting my newsgroup
thing set up...you're lucky if I can ignore you!
I hate to say this, but Contro may actually be right.

2011-03-28 00:02:00 UTC
Post by Contro
Post by Aaron
Geez, Contro, I get offended at almost everything. Nice of you to
notice. I'm offended that you ignore me all the time.
Hey, I don't know what's going on at the moment due to getting my newsgroup
thing set up...you're lucky if I can ignore you!
I hate to say this, but Contro may actually be right.
You see!

2011-08-20 23:01:32 UTC
Post by Chucky & Janica
Post by Contro
Post by Aaron
Geez, Contro, I get offended at almost everything. Nice of you to
notice. I'm offended that you ignore me all the time.
Hey, I don't know what's going on at the moment due to getting my newsgroup
thing set up...you're lucky if I can ignore you!
I hate to say this, but Contro may actually be right.
Thank you! And that's partly why that thanks has been so long in
coming! I'm not even surt what the other part is!
Chucky & Janica
2011-08-24 09:08:24 UTC
Post by Contro
Post by Chucky & Janica
Post by Contro
Post by Aaron
Geez, Contro, I get offended at almost everything. Nice of you to
notice. I'm offended that you ignore me all the time.
Hey, I don't know what's going on at the moment due to getting my newsgroup
thing set up...you're lucky if I can ignore you!
I hate to say this, but Contro may actually be right.
Thank you! And that's partly why that thanks has been so long in
coming! I'm not even surt what the other part is!
You've never been surt.

2011-09-01 11:12:14 UTC
Post by Chucky & Janica
Post by Contro
Post by Chucky & Janica
Post by Contro
Post by Aaron
Geez, Contro, I get offended at almost everything. Nice of you to
notice. I'm offended that you ignore me all the time.
Hey, I don't know what's going on at the moment due to getting my newsgroup
thing set up...you're lucky if I can ignore you!
I hate to say this, but Contro may actually be right.
Thank you! And that's partly why that thanks has been so long in
coming! I'm not even surt what the other part is!
You've never been surt.
Isn't he a baddie from a Star Trek film?!

2010-11-25 12:16:52 UTC
Post by Galad Damodred
Noting that I am only 1/2 way through book 10, I was wondering if
Siuan could be fully healed from her stilling.
She was partially healed by Nynaeve but they later found out that men
can fully heal women and women can fully heal men.
Yes she can.

Who cares though?

2010-11-28 18:18:25 UTC
Post by Galad Damodred
Noting that I am only 1/2 way through book 10, I was wondering if
Siuan could be fully healed from her stilling.
She was partially healed by Nynaeve but they later found out that men
can fully heal women and women can fully heal men.
Logically yes, but I think they were pushing it with bringing back Forsaken
who'd died, so they've got to have something that actually lasts!