Post by David DeLaneyPost by Galad DamodredNoting that I am only 1/2 way through book 10, I was wondering if
Siuan could be fully healed from her stilling.
She was partially healed by Nynaeve but they later found out that men
can fully heal women and women can fully heal men.
We are Not Sure. If I recall right, we've been told outside the books that
re-stilling her and re-healing her, by a woman again, would only get her to
the same strength she is now.
I don't know that we've been told that, and even if we had it wouldn't
matter since the one who "told" us is dead now. But that seems to be
the prevailing theory.
A woman Healing a gentled man restores him to full strength.
Presumably (have we seen this already?) a man Healing a stilled woman
restores her to full strength. A woman Healing a woman restores her to
a tiny percentage of her original power.
Now, either Siuan and Leane are stuck at that level (stilling and
re-Healing by a man, if they would ever allow it in the first place
and let's face it, these characters are dumb so they would probably
refuse, may just restore their strength as of their first Healing,
rather than their original strength as suggested), or the Healing has
worked like ... I don't know, a limb transplant or something. They've
got the limb back, but it's in never-used condition and they have to
learn how to do everything all over again. In short, they were Healed
back to their first spark when they were kids, and the rest of the
power will return in time as they learn, as before.
I don't know. Maybe opposite-sexual-Healing (to coin a phrase)
restores the lost limb perfectly as if it was never lost, while
homosexual-Healing acts as the metaphorical transplant, restoring the
mixed-metaphorical factory settings.
Maybe Jordan was being a homophobe. Suggesting that same-sex unions
are inferior to heterosexual ones. It makes sense, since there are no
gay men in his stories and only a titillating smattering of
pillow-friends to represent the fairer homosex.
Post by David DeLaneyNo answer's been given yet that I know of on
what would happen if she were re-stilled, then healed by a man.
My prediction is, she would go "oh Light, I've been stilled! *angst
angst angst*," and then refuse to let a man channel near her, because
Male Channelers Are Still Evil For Some Reason.
But that's just because I haven't become fully accustomed to the
Sanderson way of doing things yet.
The Sanderson way, of course, would be to accidentally kill her during
the re-stilling process, and *move the fuck on*. So I can't argue with