Post by Joshua CrawfordPost by David DeLaneyDude, _eternal_-september? Clue? I was there for the start of that..., a free NNTP server and FQDN provider. I used to
use it as the backend to my local leafnode server, from 2007 (when they were
called motzarella) until I dropped out of Usenet in 2009.
Yes, I know - sorry for the ambiguous phrasing, I was offering a clue, not
asking for one.
Post by Joshua CrawfordThe name is, of course, a reference to the influx of newbies disregarding
netiquette onto Usenet each year in September. September never ended after
either 1993, when AOL added their internet gateway; or 1996, when Windows 95
OSR2 (the first to include IE and Mail&News) was released.
1993 was; AOL was something like mid-1994, -after- the Canter &
Siegel Green Card spam, because when it showed up the very-early-alphabetically
alt.* groups got flooded because it didn't use a real newsreader and didn't
do anything about making news.announce.newusers or the other introductory
groups come first...
Post by Joshua Crawford--bruce, who wonders if google has some signature to append below. Can't see
an option for it.
You probably are supposed to insert one yourself. Google's not a real
newsreader either, and has been trying various ways to stay not-a-real-one in
differing manners over the last few years, apparently to locate maximum
annoyance value.
\/David DeLaney posting from *** "It's not the pot that grows the flower
It's not the clock that slows the hour The definition's plain for anyone to see
Love is all it takes to make a family" - R&P. VISUALIZE HAPPYNET VRbeable<BLINK> - net.legends FAQ & Magic / I WUV you in all CAPS! --K.