Joshua Crawford
2013-04-30 16:18:14 UTC
G'day all,
I figured before I read the new books, I should backtrack a bit. So, I just finished re-reading Winter's Heart.
I can't recall if we discussed this at the time, but what's the deal with Far Madding's guardian ter'angreal? It blocks the True Source, like a stedding. But it also detects it. Is the detection range larger than the blocking range? Because that isn't made clear in the book. It would seem to me the detection part should have gone unused all these thousands of years, until Nynaeve used her Well.
After Nynaeve does use the Well (during the execution, but oddly, not before when she tickled Rand to show off), the guards come running, the Counsel are upset, it must be an aberration. But earlier, when the guardian was introduced, Verin had calmly commented that a man had channelled, and does that happen often these days? No biggie, probably just an Asha'man, they can't hurt us.
So.. Why is it that an Asha'man can channel, triangulated in the city, and the Counsel think nothing of it, but when Nynaeve does, it's a major problem?
Verin's acting obviously secretive again. "All of you may call me Eadwina." Sure.. Do we end up finding out more about her past and her secret agenda? And Cadsuane too, for that matter, with her toothless wilder hermit instructor. Any other remarkable channellers turn up from Far Madding?
Someone mentioned peach poison in a recent thread, and it came up here also. Elayne's would-be assassin used gray fennel and peach-pit on the blade. Later, at the Forsaken staff meeting, Demandred muses that "peach is poison, here and now." So, in CBWL in the 3rd age, peach is poisonous. But not back in the AoL, and maybe not even over in Seanchan.
A few days break, then I'll read CoT. That was the one with the ghosts and weevils, wasn't it?
I figured before I read the new books, I should backtrack a bit. So, I just finished re-reading Winter's Heart.
I can't recall if we discussed this at the time, but what's the deal with Far Madding's guardian ter'angreal? It blocks the True Source, like a stedding. But it also detects it. Is the detection range larger than the blocking range? Because that isn't made clear in the book. It would seem to me the detection part should have gone unused all these thousands of years, until Nynaeve used her Well.
After Nynaeve does use the Well (during the execution, but oddly, not before when she tickled Rand to show off), the guards come running, the Counsel are upset, it must be an aberration. But earlier, when the guardian was introduced, Verin had calmly commented that a man had channelled, and does that happen often these days? No biggie, probably just an Asha'man, they can't hurt us.
So.. Why is it that an Asha'man can channel, triangulated in the city, and the Counsel think nothing of it, but when Nynaeve does, it's a major problem?
Verin's acting obviously secretive again. "All of you may call me Eadwina." Sure.. Do we end up finding out more about her past and her secret agenda? And Cadsuane too, for that matter, with her toothless wilder hermit instructor. Any other remarkable channellers turn up from Far Madding?
Someone mentioned peach poison in a recent thread, and it came up here also. Elayne's would-be assassin used gray fennel and peach-pit on the blade. Later, at the Forsaken staff meeting, Demandred muses that "peach is poison, here and now." So, in CBWL in the 3rd age, peach is poisonous. But not back in the AoL, and maybe not even over in Seanchan.
A few days break, then I'll read CoT. That was the one with the ghosts and weevils, wasn't it?