2013-03-29 18:24:23 UTC
So, I really enjoyed it overall. He writes well enough. The book was better, I'd say, than at least a few of the WOT installments. Numbers 7, 8, 10, 11, if I've got that right, for starters maybe?
*spoiler alert*
Although I read this damn book twice already, should be time to drop the spoiler alerts.
Ah well.
The Good:
Cool traveling portal uses. I believe I'd seen almost all of those as fan ideas, which makes it even cooler. And the lava portal is very similar to a scene from the Donaldson duology "The mirror of her dreams"..."A man rides through".
All the nostalgia of the main characters doing what it is they did most throughout the series. At first it annoyed me, but I quickly got over it.
On that subject, some of those main characters getting a come-uppance via a nice comeback, like Perrin to Nynaeve about wolves vs. dogs.
Less Faile
Mat no longer being tied to the horn...gave some nice moments for me at least.
Perrin stopped being a pussy!
A good ending, better than many authors' attempts, I'd say. I was recently lamenting to Chucky, and have lamented over the years to many others, that so very MANY authors suck at endings. I thought this was...pretty well done.
An effective bunch of Forsaken, finally.
Red Ajah coming to their fucking senses and doing some good in the world.
Lan did it! You know what I mean! Woo!
Warder bonds being used against forces of the Light, Rand specifically. Another fan idea IIRC.
Ogier kicking some ass!
Tuon finally making some goddamn sense.
A use for Min's talent that brings her acclaim!
An army of Myrddraal!
The Bad:
Still too much Faile.
One-sided Balefire usage for far too long. No way would the Light have been holding so well under those conditions. He even illustrated that in one scene just before Egwene discovers the counter to balefire.
I know, I know, the counter needed to be held back for effect. But, basically, these battles should have been lost long before, under those conditions.
No one can check the generals for compulsion and remove it, regularly? Seems they should have expected that move by the shadow.
Faile didn't die.
No 4-way with Rand! That's right, I think pregnant women are hot. I don't discriminate against any kind of pretty women ;D
Ok I can see I'm reaching, maybe more will shake out in the specifics below. Basically my biggest problem was the battles were naive and poorly planned out in terms of overall vision, like the balefire issue above.
The Specific:
So as I was reading, both times, I dog-eared several moments about which I had particular issue or interest, wanting to see what others who enjoy this series thought of those moments. So here they are, by page (but not paragraph, sorry, not going THAT deep with it):
Page 27: Very awesome to see where Isam/Luc grew up and what happened to the Aiel men channelers. Loved this and all related bits. I did find it a little silly that Isam would have assumed male Aiel channelers immediately stopped coming to the Blight just because the taint was cleansed...what with all the doubt out there that surely he'd noticed. But anyway.
Page 32: Bayle says "what want you to do now?" Yeah, uhh, I knew Illianers added "do" all the time, but I didn't think they rearranged their sentences in Yoda-like (or is it just Irish Brogue-like?) fashion....
Page 93: Yeah, the gholam...s? What about the other ones? You would imagine, would you not, that the Great Lord would do it's damndest to release all the others and set them to task, in the Last Battle.... But we only had to deal with the one.
Page 103: Pevara bonds Androl, the reverse, after a fashion, of what he did to her. Then down that page a bit, he bonds her back (what did he do before?), and she is surprised by it, and he says she did it first. Wait.... Ise confused....
Cool how they are totally in one another's heads after that.
Page 325: Cute interaction with Moiraine. It was good to have her back, if only for a bit part (in terms of dialogue at least).
Page 328: 2 myrdraal at once! So, so fucking cool!
Page 331: Not exactly sure why I have this one marked, but I think this is it. 2 paces between horses makes a tight line? I would have thought that a line could be quite a bit tighter than 6 feet between horses.... I'm trying to picture the cavalry charges from the LOTR movies, they were almost touching.... But I don't know any more about such battles than, say, Sanderson does. Hey. Sanders...Sanderson.... Just realized that.
Ok no that's a lie, but was waiting for a chance to drop it in.
Page 345: Gawyn battling Trollocs using a shield. Is a shield truly an effective tactic against a foe that is so much stronger than you? Sounds like he's TAKING the blows, not letting them glance by or avoiding them, which has always been my understanding of what you must do with a foe that is so much more powerful than you are.
Page 376: Direct detailing of a Trolloc passing through a gateway. So this is as good a time as any to ask why in the hell luring and then opening gateways wasn't a widely used tactic against the shadowspawn? Gateways up into the air perhaps, so that the Sharans would fall to their death? Such a waste....
Page 388: I like how Aviendha's relationship with Rand has been softened a little, made less annoying with just a LITTLE bit of fucking respect for the Dragon Reborn. Also, nice hinting at the Callendor situation, making us wonder what the plan is, what the flaw is, exactly.
Page 455: Lan...why the HELL would he use a sword form not intended for horseback use, from horseback? Surely he's good enough to have other choices? I just thought that writing was very clumsy.
Page 458: OK there's a problem here with something neat that Sanderson decided to create. It seems that he is able to see Rand et al. in the cavern, in the world of dreams even though they technically entered there in the real world. And slayer is attacking them in the world of dreams and somehow that's supposed to be dangerous even though they are in the real world.... As opposed to dropping into the real world like he usually does, to kill. But then when he shifts away and Perrin follows, the Red Veils are now there in the world of dreams? What?
Or did they shift to the real world? Well, not possible because Perrin doesn't know how, yet. And they couldn't have BEEN in the real world because you don't shift into the world of dreams, without channeling, immediately like Slayer did, and again Perrin didn't know how.
Basically I can't think of a combination of events that makes sense with what was written on this page.
Page 481: I feel that Bashere's outburst here (against Tam) was totally out of character. Almost as if the person writing this didn't really know how Bashere typically behaved....
Page 485: Bryne being initially disturbed that Uno isn't an officer is totally out of character, both for Bryne being who he is, and for a general during a deadly battle.
Page 531: Totally awesome use of a gateway, should have been sooner and happened more.
Page 558: I really liked the character development of Galad here. Turned him into a real person instead of a caricature.
Page 590: I thought Moghedien said or implied that a weave to detect male channeling wasn't a real thing. She pretended to teach it to Nynaeve et al.... Did they learn it somehow? When? Why was that not a bigger deal?
Page 612: Daishar Knob is the stupidest place name in this whole book. And, on a side note...Mat can Travel with the amulet on? I would think that counts as being affected directly by channeling....
Page 619: Great solution against Draghkar...against I'm pretty sure I saw fans discussing this before.
Page 694: I like these insights into Demandred. At the same time I kept wondering how in the HELL he could not know that the Dragon was confronting the DO in the cave.... Everyone else seemed to fucking know it, Thom certainly had to fight off several BA....
Page 699: Uhh, again not an expert but I'm pretty fucking sure a swordbreaker isn't a "sword breaker" because if you just raise it up, it breaks the enemy sword. Don't you have to get the sword into the V between swordbreaker blade and side-blade (don't know the term) and twist?
Page 711: I really liked the explanation of the way the Seanchan work, on this page. Again made them less caricatures and more real for me.
Page 765: Yeah if this balefire channeling has been going on all along, this would already be over.
Page 787: Is Mellar that desperate? Not only is she very pregnant, but soon she's about to be very bloodied up by having babies cut out of her.... Who wants a piece of that pussay?
Page 811: I'm stupid. Who was the woman cast from her throne and made a puppet? Elayne's mommy? What was her--Morgase? She has so little mention in this book, why would he mention her at that critical moment? Or is he talking about someone else? Who?
Page 834: Super-awesome strategy for the cannons. And, Moghedien: ha ha!
Page 847: Logain has changed so much, I'm not sure I buy it, but I'm glad he changed back and did the right thing
Page 856: Finally! Finally we'll see Perrin stop being a pussy, stop holding back! Maybe he'll accidentally hit Faile too hard and.... Nah too much to hope for. And yes I know I'm awful.
Page 864: Shaisam? How the hell did he come up with that name? I hate it.
Page 874: Why didn't he think of shifting further along Slayer's intended path? That would have been cool.
Page 876: Again I'm pretty sure this is wrong. Blood doesn't actually help crops to grow....
Page 880: "in her haste, picked at the wrong thread." What? From her thoughts just above, she WANTED it to explode. So why did it get written as a mistake made in haste?
Page 889: Great solution for Lanfear, glad Perrin was able to do what Rand never would have been able to do. And, finally Faile is useful, if only this one time.
OK I think that's all. Discuss.
*spoiler alert*
Although I read this damn book twice already, should be time to drop the spoiler alerts.
Ah well.
The Good:
Cool traveling portal uses. I believe I'd seen almost all of those as fan ideas, which makes it even cooler. And the lava portal is very similar to a scene from the Donaldson duology "The mirror of her dreams"..."A man rides through".
All the nostalgia of the main characters doing what it is they did most throughout the series. At first it annoyed me, but I quickly got over it.
On that subject, some of those main characters getting a come-uppance via a nice comeback, like Perrin to Nynaeve about wolves vs. dogs.
Less Faile
Mat no longer being tied to the horn...gave some nice moments for me at least.
Perrin stopped being a pussy!
A good ending, better than many authors' attempts, I'd say. I was recently lamenting to Chucky, and have lamented over the years to many others, that so very MANY authors suck at endings. I thought this was...pretty well done.
An effective bunch of Forsaken, finally.
Red Ajah coming to their fucking senses and doing some good in the world.
Lan did it! You know what I mean! Woo!
Warder bonds being used against forces of the Light, Rand specifically. Another fan idea IIRC.
Ogier kicking some ass!
Tuon finally making some goddamn sense.
A use for Min's talent that brings her acclaim!
An army of Myrddraal!
The Bad:
Still too much Faile.
One-sided Balefire usage for far too long. No way would the Light have been holding so well under those conditions. He even illustrated that in one scene just before Egwene discovers the counter to balefire.
I know, I know, the counter needed to be held back for effect. But, basically, these battles should have been lost long before, under those conditions.
No one can check the generals for compulsion and remove it, regularly? Seems they should have expected that move by the shadow.
Faile didn't die.
No 4-way with Rand! That's right, I think pregnant women are hot. I don't discriminate against any kind of pretty women ;D
Ok I can see I'm reaching, maybe more will shake out in the specifics below. Basically my biggest problem was the battles were naive and poorly planned out in terms of overall vision, like the balefire issue above.
The Specific:
So as I was reading, both times, I dog-eared several moments about which I had particular issue or interest, wanting to see what others who enjoy this series thought of those moments. So here they are, by page (but not paragraph, sorry, not going THAT deep with it):
Page 27: Very awesome to see where Isam/Luc grew up and what happened to the Aiel men channelers. Loved this and all related bits. I did find it a little silly that Isam would have assumed male Aiel channelers immediately stopped coming to the Blight just because the taint was cleansed...what with all the doubt out there that surely he'd noticed. But anyway.
Page 32: Bayle says "what want you to do now?" Yeah, uhh, I knew Illianers added "do" all the time, but I didn't think they rearranged their sentences in Yoda-like (or is it just Irish Brogue-like?) fashion....
Page 93: Yeah, the gholam...s? What about the other ones? You would imagine, would you not, that the Great Lord would do it's damndest to release all the others and set them to task, in the Last Battle.... But we only had to deal with the one.
Page 103: Pevara bonds Androl, the reverse, after a fashion, of what he did to her. Then down that page a bit, he bonds her back (what did he do before?), and she is surprised by it, and he says she did it first. Wait.... Ise confused....
Cool how they are totally in one another's heads after that.
Page 325: Cute interaction with Moiraine. It was good to have her back, if only for a bit part (in terms of dialogue at least).
Page 328: 2 myrdraal at once! So, so fucking cool!
Page 331: Not exactly sure why I have this one marked, but I think this is it. 2 paces between horses makes a tight line? I would have thought that a line could be quite a bit tighter than 6 feet between horses.... I'm trying to picture the cavalry charges from the LOTR movies, they were almost touching.... But I don't know any more about such battles than, say, Sanderson does. Hey. Sanders...Sanderson.... Just realized that.
Ok no that's a lie, but was waiting for a chance to drop it in.
Page 345: Gawyn battling Trollocs using a shield. Is a shield truly an effective tactic against a foe that is so much stronger than you? Sounds like he's TAKING the blows, not letting them glance by or avoiding them, which has always been my understanding of what you must do with a foe that is so much more powerful than you are.
Page 376: Direct detailing of a Trolloc passing through a gateway. So this is as good a time as any to ask why in the hell luring and then opening gateways wasn't a widely used tactic against the shadowspawn? Gateways up into the air perhaps, so that the Sharans would fall to their death? Such a waste....
Page 388: I like how Aviendha's relationship with Rand has been softened a little, made less annoying with just a LITTLE bit of fucking respect for the Dragon Reborn. Also, nice hinting at the Callendor situation, making us wonder what the plan is, what the flaw is, exactly.
Page 455: Lan...why the HELL would he use a sword form not intended for horseback use, from horseback? Surely he's good enough to have other choices? I just thought that writing was very clumsy.
Page 458: OK there's a problem here with something neat that Sanderson decided to create. It seems that he is able to see Rand et al. in the cavern, in the world of dreams even though they technically entered there in the real world. And slayer is attacking them in the world of dreams and somehow that's supposed to be dangerous even though they are in the real world.... As opposed to dropping into the real world like he usually does, to kill. But then when he shifts away and Perrin follows, the Red Veils are now there in the world of dreams? What?
Or did they shift to the real world? Well, not possible because Perrin doesn't know how, yet. And they couldn't have BEEN in the real world because you don't shift into the world of dreams, without channeling, immediately like Slayer did, and again Perrin didn't know how.
Basically I can't think of a combination of events that makes sense with what was written on this page.
Page 481: I feel that Bashere's outburst here (against Tam) was totally out of character. Almost as if the person writing this didn't really know how Bashere typically behaved....
Page 485: Bryne being initially disturbed that Uno isn't an officer is totally out of character, both for Bryne being who he is, and for a general during a deadly battle.
Page 531: Totally awesome use of a gateway, should have been sooner and happened more.
Page 558: I really liked the character development of Galad here. Turned him into a real person instead of a caricature.
Page 590: I thought Moghedien said or implied that a weave to detect male channeling wasn't a real thing. She pretended to teach it to Nynaeve et al.... Did they learn it somehow? When? Why was that not a bigger deal?
Page 612: Daishar Knob is the stupidest place name in this whole book. And, on a side note...Mat can Travel with the amulet on? I would think that counts as being affected directly by channeling....
Page 619: Great solution against Draghkar...against I'm pretty sure I saw fans discussing this before.
Page 694: I like these insights into Demandred. At the same time I kept wondering how in the HELL he could not know that the Dragon was confronting the DO in the cave.... Everyone else seemed to fucking know it, Thom certainly had to fight off several BA....
Page 699: Uhh, again not an expert but I'm pretty fucking sure a swordbreaker isn't a "sword breaker" because if you just raise it up, it breaks the enemy sword. Don't you have to get the sword into the V between swordbreaker blade and side-blade (don't know the term) and twist?
Page 711: I really liked the explanation of the way the Seanchan work, on this page. Again made them less caricatures and more real for me.
Page 765: Yeah if this balefire channeling has been going on all along, this would already be over.
Page 787: Is Mellar that desperate? Not only is she very pregnant, but soon she's about to be very bloodied up by having babies cut out of her.... Who wants a piece of that pussay?
Page 811: I'm stupid. Who was the woman cast from her throne and made a puppet? Elayne's mommy? What was her--Morgase? She has so little mention in this book, why would he mention her at that critical moment? Or is he talking about someone else? Who?
Page 834: Super-awesome strategy for the cannons. And, Moghedien: ha ha!
Page 847: Logain has changed so much, I'm not sure I buy it, but I'm glad he changed back and did the right thing
Page 856: Finally! Finally we'll see Perrin stop being a pussy, stop holding back! Maybe he'll accidentally hit Faile too hard and.... Nah too much to hope for. And yes I know I'm awful.
Page 864: Shaisam? How the hell did he come up with that name? I hate it.
Page 874: Why didn't he think of shifting further along Slayer's intended path? That would have been cool.
Page 876: Again I'm pretty sure this is wrong. Blood doesn't actually help crops to grow....
Page 880: "in her haste, picked at the wrong thread." What? From her thoughts just above, she WANTED it to explode. So why did it get written as a mistake made in haste?
Page 889: Great solution for Lanfear, glad Perrin was able to do what Rand never would have been able to do. And, finally Faile is useful, if only this one time.
OK I think that's all. Discuss.